Utah School of Magic

Get ready to take an amazing adventure into the exciting world of magic. Learn how to make things appear, read people’s minds, and even make objects levitate. More importantly, kids learn how to put down their electronic devices, interact with others and make new friends.
Utah School of Magic students go home confident and ready to share what they have learned with family and friends. Plus, each magic trick reinforces a critical life skill that goes way beyond the magic.
Each lesson comes with a custom high quality magic prop, top secret file folder, and a special secret word to unlock bonus instructional videos in the online video vault.
There are four courses, each with completely different magic tricks and a unique focus, and all four courses reinforce the exact same 8 traits: A true magician is: Respectful, Prepared, Enthusiastic, Confident, Humble, Creative, Authentic, and Giving. Much like different colored karate belts, students earn a different colored graduation wand and a certificate of advancement after completing each course.
This life changing program builds self-confidence and develops critical communication skills in a fun and unique way that is guaranteed to unlock your child's potential and impact the rest of their life