St. Vincent de Paul Catholic School - Salt Lake City

Saint Vincent de Paul Catholic School provides quality spiritual and academic experiences
that are rooted in Catholic values.
Schoolwide Learning Expectations:
Students at St. Vincent de Paul Catholic School are
who are able to:
serve others in their daily life
show respect for God, Church, others, self, and property
demonstrate basic knowledge of the beliefs and traditions of the Catholic Church
attend and participate in weekly Mass and daily communal prayer
pray using memorized and spontaneous prayer
use and understand the Bible
take responsibility for their actions and work together to solve disagreements
who are able to:
speak publicly with confidence and poise
express written thoughts clearly, using correct grammar and mechanics
demonstrate manners and appropriate etiquette for all occasions
demonstrate listening and reading skills
express thoughtful opinions and work cooperatively and individually to solve problems
appreciate different perspectives
who are able to:
assess their own work for completeness and overall quality
plan, set, and work toward goals
demonstrate self-control and responsible behavior
value achievement and strive to attain high standards
take responsibility for their actions
Educational Philosophy:
As Catholic Educators, we provide an educational environment where lifelong learning is a shared responsibility among students, teachers, administrators, parents/guardians, and the parish community. We believe that parents/guardians are the primary educators of their children; teachers help them by facilitating the students’ learning. We promote Catholic values, teachings, and practices at school and encourage families to do the same at home. With the parents/guardians and school working together, we provide the best opportunity for children to develop into active Christians. To achieve this end, we hope to create a safe, loving, spiritual environment in which each student’s dignity is respected.
We believe in educating the whole person. Intellectual, social, physical, emotional, and spiritual dimensions of the student are nurtured through the practice of service, compassion, love, and respect. Teachers must not only instruct students but also inspire them to reflect upon the message of the Gospel in their daily lives.
In our commitment to provide a sound academic program, students must become effective communicators and self-evaluators. It is vital that the education students receive is based firmly on the principles of learning and effective instruction, and is designed to meet the diverse learning styles of children. We strongly believe that when we teach children to have a love of learning it will allow a discovery of the wonders awaiting them.