J. E. Cosgriff Memorial Catholic School Toddler-8th Grade

2335 E Redondo Ave Salt Lake City, UT 84108
Salt Lake City
, UT
, 84108
(801) 486-3197
40° 43' 39.594" N, 111° 49' 25.6368" W
See map: Google Maps
Contact name:
Lisa Romero
Business/organization type:
Subjects / Categories:
J.E. Cosgriff is a Catholic school in Salt Lake City, UT, serving toddlers through eighth grade.
Students at J.E. Cosgriff are challenged with meaningful, rigorous instruction. Our curriculum focuses on the study of Catholic Church teachings and the core subjects of mathematics, science, language arts, and social studies. Students also participate in technology, physical education, music, art, and foreign language classes.
J.E. Cosgriff Memorial Catholic School meets the requirements of the National Catholic Education Association and is accredited by the State of Utah and the Northwest Association of Accredited Schools.
At J.E. Cosgriff Memorial Catholic School, we believe:
We are a Catholic community of teachers, administrators, parishioners, parents and students who share the responsibility for advancing the school’s mission.
Each student is a valued “Child of God” with unique physical, social, emotional, intellectual and spiritual needs.
All students can learn.
A variety of instructional practices and assessments are necessary to support the learning styles of every student.
A safe and well maintained environment promotes student learning.
Students learn best when actively engaged in the learning process.
The commitment to continuous improvement is imperative to assist students in becoming self-confident and self-directed lifelong learners.
We must prepare our students to be caring individuals through Christian community service.
We need to provide opportunities to learn and practice core Catholic values through social and life skills.
Learning Goals:
The desired results for student learning at J.E. Cosgriff Memorial Catholic School are:
Responsible Christian
Demonstrates knowledge of beliefs and traditions of the Catholic Church through Reverence.
Actively participates in the Catholic faith community by showing Respect.
Proclaims the gospel of Jesus Christ in their daily lives by practicing Responsibility.
Effective Communication
Students communicate with clarity, purpose and understanding of audience.
Students integrate the use of a variety of communication forms and use a wide variety of communication skills.
Students recognize and evaluate various forms of communication (reading, writing, and oral language).
Complex Thinking and Reasoning Skills
Students gather, classify, organize and use information effectively to gain new knowledge.
Students support inferences and justify conclusions.
Students utilize, evaluate and refine the use of multiple strategies to solve a variety of types of problems.
Students generate new and creative ideas in a variety of contexts.
Life Long Learners
Students make a commitment to creating quality work and striving for excellence.
Students use a variety of learning strategies, personal skills, and time management skills to enhance learning.
Students reflect on and evaluate their learning for the purpose of improvement.
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