Smithsonian Museum Day Live! - Salt Lake City Area | Kids Out and About Salt Lake City

Smithsonian Museum Day Live! - Salt Lake City Area


Smithonian Museum Day is Saturday, September 21, 2019!

Hundreds of museums all across the country are participating by opening their doors for Smithsonian Pass Holders.  To download your free ticket (maximum of two per download), click here to get to the Smithsonian site, complete the form, and you're on your way to a free day in a museum. You can use the ticket at any of the following museums in and around Salt Lake City. 


Tickets for each of the museums you select will be available for you to download and print!

**Please confirm participation with each museum**


Click HERE to see if other museums have signed on.



Eccles Community Art Center

2580 Jefferson Avenue, Ogden, UT, 84401



Park City  

Park City Museum

528 Main Street, Park City, UT, 84060



Swaner Preserve and EcoCenter

1258 Center Dr., Park City, UT, 84098



Stansbury Park, UT

Benson Grist Mill Historic Site

325 State Rd. 138, Stansbury Park, UT, 84074



Logan, UT

Nora Eccles Harrison Museum of Art

Utah State University

650 North 1100 East, Logan, UT, 84322

