NASA: Journey into Outer Space a collaboration with NASA
Please help us keep this calendar up to date! If this activity is sold out, canceled, or otherwise needs alteration, email so we can update it immediately. If you have a question about the activity itself, please contact the organization administrator listed below.
Monday, June 9: PLANETS AND MOONS Explore the farthest reaches of our solar system and create a lunar eclipse on our home planet. Kids size up the difference between the Earth and its moon. They simulate how gravitational pull affects a probe in space and practice their grasp of gravity! ATMOSPHERE AND BEYOND We’re on a mission to explore the atmosphere on Earth and beyond! Travel to the end of the rainbow and make a sunset. Mix up various planetary atmospheres, one molecule at a time. See how space telescopes spot exoplanets and bring home new knowledge about other worlds.
Tuesday, June 10: SPACE TECHNOLOGY Discover technology that’s out of this world! Kids steer a laser beam through a laser maze and discover everyday objects initially designed for use in space. They feel their way around the radar and see why we make technology with stereo vision. This is hi-tech space! LIVING IN SPACE Suit up for a space flight and experience the life of an astronaut! Kids use teamwork to complete an important space mission and learn how Ground Control connects with astronauts across the vast distance of space. This class is a taste of living above the world!
Wednesday, June 11: SUN AND STARS This stellar class leads kids through the life cycles of the stars! They learn about our star, the Sun, and see stardust form. Children see how our star makes waves across the spectrum, from baby star nebulae to spotting supernovae! ROCKET SCIENCE This is a chance for kids to investigate the four forces of flight as they race through space. They explore the science involved in rocket construction and find a way to help astronauts fix a problem onboard their spacecraft. This class is a great introduction to aerospace engineering!
Thursday, June 12: SPACE PHENOMENA Junior astronauts probe the mysteries of meteors and bounce around satellite light! This phenomenal class explains spectacular space events. Kids learn how to explore faraway objects with telescopes and satellites and gain insight into the lights in the night sky. SPACE TRAVEL Budding engineers learn what it takes to be a true globetrotter! Kids race a rocket and design their own car engine as they learn about thrust. They see propulsion principles at work in a real rocket launch and achieve light-years of new space knowledge!
*Times, dates, and prices of any activity posted to our calendars are subject to change. Please be sure to click through directly to the organization’s website to verify.