Holiday Break Camps in and around Salt Lake City
Take out your calendar - you have a lot of scheduling to do to fit in all the incredible Holiday Break camps taking place in and around our area! If we're missing a camp that should be on this list, please email us to let us know. (Or, if you are a member of an organization that hosts holiday break programs, please click here to learn how to post them to our calendar—it's free.) Thank you!
Code Ninjas
Transform your child's love for technology into an exciting learning adventure while keeping them busy during school breaks and the holidays. Guided by our team of Code Senseis, Code Ninjas Camps empower kids to gain valuable tech skills and make new friends. It's an unforgettably fun learning experience!
Fill your holidays and school breaks with these full day and weeklong camps! Check out our website for all camps offered and for early bird specials!