The City of Holladay

The Holladay and Cottonwood communities were unincorporated areas of Salt Lake County and 15 years ago efforts were made by a dedicated group of citizens to incorporate as a separate entity, but area citizens voted against incorporation by a narrow margin. Salt Lake County, the Utah Supreme Court and/or the Utah State Legislature frustrated subsequent efforts and citizens weren’t allowed another incorporation vote until May 4, 1999. On that day, a better-informed citizenry voted by over 83% to approve incorporation and the City of Holladay was officially incorporated on November 30, 1999.
Residents overwhelmingly supported incorporation because of a profound desire to gain control of local planning and zoning. General Plan meetings were attended by a large number of enthusiastic Holladay residents, all excited to finally have a voice in the future of our community. A vast majority – if not all – of those attending wanted Holladay to maintain and even improve its rural atmosphere. Suggestions included:
- Make the central Holladay business area more pedestrian friendly
- Create biking and walking trails through the community
- Curtail downsizing of building lots
- Preserve and increase trees and other vegetation
- Require large parking areas to include landscaping
Subsequently an area north and east of the original boundaries of Holladay were annexed into the City in October of 2002.