Aerobatics Circus Center
Alpine Community Theater - American Fork, UT
Brigham City Fine Arts Center
Broadway On The Side
Broadway Theatre Project
Cache Valley Center for the Arts
CenterPoint Academy
Egyptian YouTheatre - Park City, UT
Expressive Therapy Utah
Hale Center Theater Orem - Utah
Hale Centre Theatre - Sandy, UT
Hopebox Theatre - Kaysville ,UT
Intermountain Christian School
Kalypto Arts
Lehi Arts Center
Lighthouse Writers Workshop
Midvale Main Street Theatre Children's Program
Minnesota Institute for Talented Youth
Nahunta Hall - Lindon
North Country Camps
Salt Lake Arts Academy - SUMMER@SLArts
Salt Lake Community College Center for Arts and Media
Sandy City Parks and Recreation - Sandy
SCERA Center for the Arts/SCERA Shell Outdoor Theatre - Orem, UT
Smart Kids Learning Academy - Taylorsville
Studio Kids - Draper, UT
The Children's Ballet Theatre
The Grand Theatre - SLC
The School of Dance
The Wizarding Academy
Traveling Players Ensemble
UP WITH KIDS! Musical Theatre Academy
Utah Conservatory
Utah Rhythmic Gymnastics
Youth Education at the University of Utah
Youth Theatre at the U